Reduce your power consumption by using intelligent air flow control
The precise regulation of the air quantities for the aeration tanks ensures not only the optimum sewage treatment process: The exact measurement and dosing of the energy-intensively compressed air saves cash and prevents the costly production of „surplus“ compressed air which is not really required for the optimum operation of the aeration tanks.
Case story: Save several thousands of Euros in energy

The wastewater plant of Duesseldorf is one of the biggest plants in Germany. The plant is designed for a population equivalent (PE) of 1.1 million. Accordingly to the high PE ratio the energy consumption is very high as well. Over 3 MW of electric power are needed continuously within the plant. One third – means over 1 MW – are used to generate compressd air for the oxygen supply of the aeration tanks. It is – in the course of rising energy costs – a huge expense factor for the plant operator. So it an important step to reduce the energy consumption was the installation of the air flow regualation unit deltafit. deltafit regulates the air flow due to the input from the process control system and guarantees a optimized consumption of air. Good for the biological cleaning – good for the cost of operations.

Minimal installation expenses
After had implemented the wiring, parameterization and testing at systec, deltafit was only flanged into the pipe and was ready for operation. So the expenses for installation was reduced to a minimum. The praxis-proven pitot-tube deltaflow >> deltaflow the actual value for the variable speed drive. The actual value is measured with an accuracy of 0.5% because of the patented profile. The target value is provided from the process control system.
The result: Payback period <12 months
deltafit ensures a perfect supply of your aeration tanks. Good for your process quality. But also good for optimizing your operational costs. Compared with uncontrolled air networks, deltafit saves up to 18% of the energy costs. Second effect: CO2-emissions are reduced by about 4000 t per year. Therefore your payback period is just about 12 months.