Industry Icon   industrial flow measurement with deltaflow pitot tube

deltaflow - precise measurement
of gases, steam and liquids

deltaflow averaging pitot tube
is a real allrounder in flow metering.

deltaflow averaging pitot tube is a real allrounder in flow metering. Precise measurement of gases, steam and liquids! Pipe Diameters from 1mm (0.05in) up to 15000mm (600in) and certified accuracies down to 0.4%. deltaflow is on duty in thousands of industrial applications with pressures up to 690bars, in crygenic applications with temperatures down to -200°C and furnance applications with more than 1100°C.

deltaflow - Application Center


Biogas flowmeter

Biogas is a valuable source of energy in
waste water plants and bio power plants. The precise and reliable
flow measurement is a difficult application with
very special requirements to the flow meter.

Flowmetering for steam

Optimizing the efficiency of the plant
has tipped the scales to replace the old orifice by a
systec deltaflow for this high pressure steam application.

gas-flow measuring
for Chemical Industry

The deltaflow is the
solution for measuring the gas-flow in pipes.
No matter if products, exhaust air, flue gases.

Cement Plant

Precise flow monitoring is one of the most important measurements
within emission monitoring systems.
Heidelberg Zement is one of the world-leading suppliers for cement
and truts the deltaflow flowmeter.


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